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This entry has been published on 2015-10-23 and may be out of date.

Last Updated on 2015-10-23.

Unfortunately, there is not much documentation regarding the AsterNet library, so the code snippet below might help someone who simply wants to abort an incoming or outgoing call, e.g. via a C# .Net button.

Basically this is quite simple, you only have to remember the current channel ID; it is not enough to create a HangupAction with your SIP number as parameter.

In your constructor method, create “global” ManagerConnection instance. Example:

private ManagerConnection manager = null;
        private void Connect()
            manager = new ManagerConnection(, Properties.Settings.Default.port, Properties.Settings.Default.user,;

            manager.NewChannel += manager_NewChannel;

            manager.PingInterval = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)


Handle manager.NewChannel event (replace “userrow.number” with the personal number of the current user, you might get it via Active Directory or your preferred user database):

private String curChannel;
void manager_NewChannel(object sender, AsterNET.Manager.Event.NewChannelEvent e)
            if (e.CallerIdNum != userrow.number)

            curChannel = e.Channel;

Create a button and handle the Click event:

private void buttonDrop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (curChannel == null)
            HangupAction action = new HangupAction(curChannel);