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This entry has been published on 2017-07-08 and may be out of date.

Last Updated on 2017-07-08.

[:en]Folder Redirection is a useful feature often used by enterprises to shring the users’ profiles.

A server-sided user profile itself is always fully copied at user logon and logoff. Redirected folders are only linked to, so this can save a lot of time and sync issues.

But if any permission settings on this user data folder are accidentally changed, inherited the wrong way etc., this can lead to huge problems. E.g. each user’s folder is forced to be owned by the user himself; it is not enough to have “only” full access.

Therefore I created a tool which can correct the permissions and owner settings in a quite simple way.

It is published on Github.

[github-commits username=”DXSdata” repository=”UserDataPermissions ” limit=”3″][:]