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[:de].NET Core / Standard 2.0-Bibliothek zur Prüfung von E-Mail- oder Host-Adressen auf Wegwerf-Domains (Trash Mail)[:en].NET Core / Standard 2.0 library to check if email or host address is on Disposable Email Domains List (trash mail)[:]

[:en]Just released a small library to simplify trash email email and host checks for given addresses, usable in Microsoft .NET projects. It uses this list of disposable email domains as index. Github Repository Nuget Package Latest commits: [github-commits...

[:de]Windows 10 Upgrade-Notizen für Verwendung in Firmen / Domain: Apps entfernen, Kompatibilitätschecks deaktivieren, Dateitypzuordnungen behalten[:en]Windows 10 upgrade notes for company / domain usage: Remove apps, disable compatibility checks, keep extension assignments[:]

[:en]The annual Windows upgrade can be quite challenging for companies every year. It should be working like a common update, but this is not reality in many cases. I will try to summarize which things are to consider especially, at the moment for release 1709, but...